The trouble is, that original high is difficult to duplicate and crack users are always “chasing the high” wanting to feel good. The cocaine causes the release of the natural brain chemical dopamine, the cause of the euphoria.įACT: Crack smokers will have a high for five to ten minutes and will need more drug to remain high. The user enjoys the rush, a euphoric feeling, the increased energy. Crack smoke can numb the tongue for example.įACT: Crack cocaine buyers do not really know what they are getting, because the cocaine is cut with some other substance to add volume to the cube.įACT: Crack cocaine is usually in the form of a rock, but sometimes users and dealers will buy regular cocaine and do their own processing.įACT: Crack cocaine works on the brain. There is nothing glamorous about Crack Cocaine Addiction Facts.įACT: Although crack cocaine is a stimulant, it can have a numbing effect when applied directly to an area. It became popular in the mid 1980’s as an inexpensive alternative to cocaine. Whether or not it is more addictive than cocaine remains to be seen, but it is a dangerous and problematic drug. The term crack actually came from the sound that the drug makes when it is smoked.įACT: Crack cocaine is a highly addictive stimulant drug, and some claim it is more addictive than the powder cocaine that has been glamorized in movies and television as a drug of choice for young professionals. Cocaine is mixed with baking soda and processed into cubes. Here are some facts about crack addiction that are useful as we try to understand addiction.įACT: Crack cocaine is a kind of cocaine that is smoked. Useful Facts About Crack Cocaine Addiction Speak with an addiction treatment specialist anytime. The road to recovery starts here! Trusted, confidential help available 24/7.